It’s God’s Voice: From Kitchen Sink to Church Platform
I love to sing. Springtime is the season where I serenade our neighbors from our kitchen with Disney songs and the Sound of Music soundtrack while my boys play on the back porch. But singing in front of people by myself is a little more nerve-wracking.
A few months ago our worship pastor asked me to sing a small solo in a song in our Easter program. I have a policy (especially at church) that if I’m asked to do something that I can do and I’m already going to be there, I’ll say yes. So I said yes. And then a few weeks later I realized I was actually going to have to sing by myself in front of people.
I was talking to God about this when I realized it was His voice anyway. (That realization is also what prompted me to publish the piece on motherhood and start doing Facebook lives.) Who am I to decide what to do with it? Do I really think He won’t be with me? God just calls me to obey and sometimes that takes courage.
I’m rarely able to stop there. Almost as soon as I realized it was God’s voice anyway, I realized it was God’s voice everywhere. It was God’s voice when I sang in the choir, when I sang a solo, when I recorded the podcast, when I did a facebook live, when I talked to my boys in my kitchen. That last part was the sobering one. Of course it’s God’s voice but does the way I use it in my kitchen honor God? Sometimes that takes even more courage.
Does the way I talk to my husband and my children bring honor to Jesus? He’s just as much God at my kitchen sink as He is on the church platform. Two weeks ago, I stood at my sink prepping dinner for my family and some guests and begging God for His assistance. I had spent the past thirty minutes attempting to get things ready for company while also disciplining all three of the boys through some misbehavior. Justin had just told me that he was stuck at work because of a problem and I was feeling quite sure that I couldn’t handle all that was left by myself. And God came through for me. He’s a real God, involved in our lives, even at our sinks when we’re chopping lettuce.
When I was preparing to sing that solo, all I could think about was that one instance in my kitchen. God was there, helping me. I realized He would be standing on that platform, holding that microphone with me too. And He was.
Why am I telling you this? Because God is in those small details of your life too. He’s as much God when you’re home chopping lettuce as He is when you’re in front of people. I don’t know which intimidates you more. Sometimes the work of home seems so mundane and overwhelming that I feel God can’t help me in it. Sometimes I feel the temptation to worry about what others think of me when I’m front of them is strong enough to make me say “no.” But He’s God over both- in my life and in yours.
Maybe you need to start seeing God in the small, everyday things that make up your life. Maybe you need to say “yes” to something He’s asking you to do and believe that He’ll go with you. Maybe you just need to realize that your voice, even at home, is God’s and should honor Him.
Let’s see Him in the big and small of our lives today.