Seminary Notes 2: be a beginner
Seminary is reminding me to lean into being a beginner. It’s been long enough since I’ve officially been in school that I have to remember how to keep up with a syllabus, email a professor, portion out assignments. This week I’m writing an interpretative paper and I’ve never done that, specifically with these instructions, before.
Since I’m counting the wins where they come it, reading so much over the past years has proved useful. I’m used to reading and underlining. I’ve spent time talking through passages with friends and that has helped with discussion posts. I love the subject matter.
More good news is that I have practiced writing. I have read widely and distilled information and then written some conclusions. I can look at the instruction for this paper and think, “1200 words? Piece of cake.” It doesn’t mean that my writing will be what the professor wants from this type of work, but it does mean that I can write it, get feedback, and grow.
If it’s not what the professor wants, guess what? I’ve never done it before. This is a great learning experience that will only help my time in school and my writing.
Be a beginner. You don’t have to have it all figured out.