A move to Substack
Yesterday, I worked for several hours and moved my newsletter to Substack. I exported and imported mailing lists, copied and pasted and edited recent content when the import form didn’t work, made graphics, and wrote an “about” page. For months, I’ve been considering what to do about Instagram and if I needed it for the work I wanted to do. I finally decided that I didn’t want to go back so I am going to try working a different way. Will it work? I have no idea but I’m excited to find out.

I’ll still be blogging here. I told a friend who talked through this whole process with me that apparently I needed all the spaces. But my Sunday newsletter will go out free on Substack and there will also be a paid subscription for additional content such as monthly reading lists, what I’m learning in seminary, and other conversations. I’d love to have you join me there too. If you already subscribe, nothing will change. You’ll still get the normal newsletter on Sunday; it will just look a little different.
I did show up on Instagram today to say good-bye and change links in my profile. I’ll leave my space up because I know I’ve normally searched for people there and if anyone does it will redirect them to where they can find me.
This is a move I am excited for. I hope you’ll join me.