Seeing God at work
I’ve spent three hours every weekday afternoon for the past two weeks participating in a seminary intensive. The class is Missional Churches and Leadership and we’ve spent roughly an hour of each class period dwelling in certain passages of Scripture. We’ve read it aloud twice and then read it alone and then moved on to small group conversation and then class-wide conversation. It’s been fascinating and really reflects the ways I have been adjusting my own reading of Scripture.
This second week, the professor opened it up for the passages to be read in other languages. We have a very diverse class and it’s really reminded me of one reason I wanted to attend Fuller. The passages have been read in Vietnamese, Chinese, Japanese, Bahasa Indonesia, Nigerian Pidgin English, Chichewa, German, French, and Spanish. It’s been amazing to sit with a group of people and discuss how to lead churches through change and remember that God is at work across the globe among people of many languages and cultures.
I can see the end point of seminary and I’m ready to be finished, but I also know that I’m going to miss so many things once I’m done.